Current Students and Parents please sign up for the remind app for current activities for volunteers and event requests and communications. MIGHTY BULLDOG BAND BOOSTER CLASS CODE: FCG2273 PLEASE GIVE US YOUR STUDENTS NAME WHEN SIGNING UP THANK YOU!
AHS Drum line 15 years ago! Shared video from Roy Petrakis.
Congratulations to all students who auditioned for the 2025 Southwest Honor Band Festival. We are happy to announce that AHS has 3 students, who will be performing at NMSU Bands campus on February 21-23 2025.
Update: we have 4 Salted, 46 Red Chile, 21 Garlic Green Chile. Each bag cost $10.00 thank you!
UPDATE!! We have 4 Salted, 35 Red chile, 13 Garlic Green chile left. Thank you! Good morning, bulldog friends and family. If you’re in need of a last-minute gift. $10.00 pre bag. We have 8 Salted Pistachios, 50 Red chile Pistachios, 25 Garlic Green chile pistachios. We will be able to do delivery for Albuquerque and Rio rancho area ONLY. Thank you for your support! And happy holidays! ❄️
Whoo! Another’s huge thank you to everyone involved in this year twinkle light parade!!
Come see the color guard at the twinkle light parade